Tips for Digital Marketers To Connect With Gen Z

Although Gen X and Millennials (Gen Y) currently hold the largest share of spending power in the United States, Generation Z is quick on its heels. With each new generation, marketers need to do their research and learn more about the communication styles and experiences they prefer.

Expectations and Individual preferences vary, of course, but international and national events, economic health, and cultural forces shape people during their pliable years, creating large groups of people with similar spending habits and preferences. Gen Z is no exception – although they have the distinction of being the first generation to evolve with the technology from the start.

If you haven’t yet thought about who Gen Z is, where to reach them, and how to talk to them, it’s time to start. And we are here to help.

For marketers, Generation Z holds great potential. They are slightly more than Millennials and already have $44 billion in buying power. This number will only grow larger over time as Gen Z members move into the workforce.

According to a study cited in Forbes, Gen Z members spend an average of 74% of their free time online. It means that social media is one of the best channels to connect with Gen Zs as they are already in huge numbers. Here are six tips to keep in mind when marketing Gen Z.

Tips To Keep in Mind When Marketing Gen Z.

1. Promote Your Values

As a marketer, it is crucial to realize that brands have some values. Why was the brand created? What is the big vision for the company?

To market in a reliable way that speaks to Gen Z, you must align your brand with influencers who share those values. Influencer marketing on social media is an essential strategy in today’s digital marketing toolkit. It is the latest and greatest in word-of-mouth marketing, and using micro-influencers can be surprisingly cost-effective.

Gen Z doesn’t really belong to the situation, and they’re not going to be swayed by big-name influencers. It’s actually more effective to partner with many smaller influencers who mostly post for friends and family. Brands can raise their values ​​and earn more customers at no cost because many small social influencers are willing to make promoted posts for nothing more than a free product!

2. Know Who They Are

Half of this generation has not even reached 18 yet. The other half is starting to think about significant life changes such as choosing a college, finding a career, getting married, and deciding where to live once they move out of their parent’s home. They also come from blended families and a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds.

Gen Zers are more likely to buy from you if your values ​​align with theirs. 45% choose eco-friendly, socially responsible brands. They are open-minded, they care about diversity and equality, and 60% of them want to change the world for the better. They are also interested in entrepreneurship and achieving success through a different kind of career. Your marketing should focus on that and show them how you can help them achieve their goals.

3. Craft a Brand Story 

Although having a brand story is not a new trend, there are plenty of brands out there that make companies sit back and keep the same standard statement. Brands need to stand out from the crowd and appeal to the youth through a unique, nuanced brand story.

4. Leverage Big Data

Data is power, but Big Data is a vast collection of predictive analytics and industry information. One use of Big Data is to collect information about users within and outside your website and create content tailored to their lifestyles and online personalities. Using predictive analytics, big data provides numbers of individuals and audiences to back up for your publishing content.

Big data companies allow companies to collect information from their funnels and turn it into actionable data, thereby implementing great UX and leading to an even better content journey.

Big Data can refocus the realm of the entire customer experience. To get the full information about your specific Gen Z audience, talk to them in a voice that resonates. That’s why thousands of brands are using Big Data techniques to collect information and turn their findings into brand stories.

Mastering big data opens up a world of strategically curated content to better understand your customer journey. Having stories from every touchpoint within your funnel allows your marketing and copywriting teams to create actionable information based on feedback and statistical answers o the “what ifs” that arise when interacting with customers.

5. Concentrate on Emotional Intelligence

To effectively convert marketing efforts, brands must get in and out of their heads, in the minds of their audiences. Demographic profiling alone will not work. Psychological profiles reveal how to build emotional connections that drive response conversion and brand loyalty. An approach focused on behavioral and emotional intelligence works regardless of audience demographics.

6. Personalization is Key

Personalization is a crucial part of any online marketing strategy—and it should be incorporated across various platforms. Email marketing campaigns include customers’ names – not only in the email copy but also in the subject line.

Personalize the copy for the recipient—send emails based on users’ past purchases and their interests in your organization. Even social media posts and ads should be tailored to the different target segments within the Gen Z market.

Gen Z is a moniker used for a set demographic, but it does not mean they are homogeneous. These customers have their own likes, interests, and dislikes and their own relationship with a brand—this should be taken into account when creating and disseminating content.


Gen Z is not the secret that many brands envision them to be – this demographic is passionate about improving and learning, but they also demand authenticity and realism from brands.

Supporting the company’s values and finding ways to reach a younger audience will position the brand well to aim for this target market. If you need more secrets strategies for Gen Z marketing, you can contact us. Our experts are here to help you 24×7. Call Now!

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