Instagram Stories Tips To Boost Your Engagement

When Instagram had first launched a decade ago, it was initially used as a personal photo-sharing app where friends and family could keep in touch. But the platform quickly evolved and became a hub for influencers and brands to engage with their customers – a feat that can be attributed to the app’s range of features focused on feedback.

Getting more followers on Instagram can benefit you reach a larger audience and even lead to more sales from the platform. And while it is not always easy to grow your following authentically, Instagram is constantly introducing new and fun ways we can use it to reach more people. One of the primary features that make this possible is Instagram Story, enabling you to post real-time content that users can view in 24 hours.

Using Instagram Stories is a creative way to get more followers on Instagram! Stories have a shorter lifespan than posts (only 24 hours), but they give your audience bite-sized content to engage with. With over 250 million regular users on Instagram Stories, you’ll need to make sure that You have an Instagram plan to use Stories in a way your audience will love – and that will attract a new audience.

If you haven’t been an Instagram user for a long time or haven’t discovered Stories, don’t fret—here are some super-easy Instagram story-making hacks that will boost your brand’s engagement with the social-media-savvy generation.

Tips To Boost Your Instagram Stories Engagement

1. Use Tiny Size Hashtags

Goodbye, ugly text, hello, new viewers! Hashtags are essential for expanding the reach of your Instagram Story, as they will allow users to come to your content who search for similar keywords. It’s essentially a lead-generation tool that you do not want to miss. But the catch-all here—hashtags can be intrusive and ugly, especially if you want to emulate a clean and minimalistic experience with your stories.

One tip is to list all your hashtags, shorten them, so they are very short, and then cover them with a photo, sticker, or GIF. You can do this by clicking the smiley icon in the upper right corner of the Story interface and choosing the correct sticker or GIF, or by copying and pasting a photo directly from your Camera Roll. If you’re posting a story with a solid background, you can change the color of the hashtags to match the background, and no one will suspect they’re there.

You can use the same hacks to cover up other essential lines of copy, like location stickers or user tags, and you’ll never have to sabotage the beauty of your brand.

2. Build Stories Your Audience Will Love

Creating stories on Instagram that your audience will love isn’t tough, and you certainly don’t need to be a graphic designer to make creatives to engage your audience. Instagram’s own basic story editing has tons of options for those who want to add filters, add stickers, and even draw on media, overlay text, and emoji.

You don’t even require any fancy software to create stories. Canva and Adobe Spark both have free plans and are easy to use for beginners. Don’t be forgot to get creative with your stories through engaging animation and custom text!

Instagram story templates are also available for purchase from several marketplaces, so if you love the idea of Instagram stories but aren’t sure how to start by yourself, search for some customizable templates.

3. Leverage Instagram Stories Stickers

The in-app store builder offers all kinds of stickers that you can add to your story. Some simply jazz up visual appeal (like icons and GIFs), while others can help drive traffic and sales (like swipe-up links and product stickers). And, finally, something like these can help you get invaluable engagement: polls, emoji sliders, questions, and quizzes.

These types of stickers provide an easy way for your audience to engage with you. 

4. Use A Storyboard

Creating storyboards will help marketers develop stories ahead of time. Storyboards will set your content aside to ensure that everything you create and the post has a clear purpose that tells about your business, brand, product, or service. Storyboards help you create a clear beginning, middle, and end for Instagram Stories posts, keeping your audience more engaged until the end of your Instagram Stories. Online Marketers can offer something unique with Stories posts. Behind the scenes, your business’s content will give your audience more reason to watch.

5. Keep up with what is trending

Remember the 10-year challenge that made Instagram crazy last December? Users have competed to post pictures showing their change after ten years. So far, this challenge has garnered over 4 million posts.

And recently, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, people had to follow strict social distancing. It makes fashion icons unable to wear lavish outfits; They had an exciting challenge: to get a pillow at home to make a fabulous outfit.

These challenges have created new trends on Instagram and garnered the support of millions. One piece of advice for your brand is to keep up with the latest trends on social networking sites and apply them to your posts. It shows that you are always concerned about the current situation and the beautiful side of your brand.

The number of people responding to and caring about that trend will be a remarkable number for your business.


Using Instagram as a regular social network to share and share information doesn’t require much effort. But if you really want to make your Instagram page stand out for your role model, you can’t help but put your time and effort into it. Hopefully, these five tips and practices for getting more engaged on Instagram above have helped you in some way devise your plan.

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