Top 7 Live Streaming Trends of 2021

As the year opened a few months ago, experts worldwide wondered what the year might be like. The next big thing unfolded in the later years, “live streaming” would be the next level of technology and profitable business. Predicting live streaming trends is a highly sought-after technology that will distract the entire video content business.

It all began a few years ago when it began to shrink, where a commitment was a business goal. Live streaming is growing at its peak due to its essence in various sectors. So it is undeniable that the whole world is running live behind the scope of live video streaming applications.

What will be the future of live streaming?

Yes, the live broadcast is excellent, and it is true. It was found that 74% of small businesses and marketers saw that they get incredible direct leads after using video as a key resource. Cisco.Inc states that by the end of 2021, an average of 90% of global Internet traffic will be detected via video.

The trend of live streaming does not just stop engaging and recreational activity; it has value in various industries. In addition to entertainment, live video streaming has gained considerable importance among businesses that exploit video content.

Different Sectors have gained commercial value through live streaming trends:

Internal trade cooperation

Increase the organization’s cooperation by organizing live meetings. Short live streaming of conversations, employee training, and franchise communication leads to the substantial commitment between employees and customers. Thus, real-time streaming of meetings and conversations takes advantage of internal communication and business productivity.

Main Trends:

  • Multinationals hold live town hall meetings.
  • Internal meetings are broadcast live when teams are divided into time zones. This saves them time and resources.
  • Focusing on new work remains to introduce to team members and build relationships with each other.

Strengthen education

Many educational industries have started using live classroom strategies to convey classroom lessons. Live video streaming can significantly contribute to educational institutions by streaming live lessons and visual demonstrations that enhance students’ classroom experience.

Main Trends:

  • With live chat and real-time problem-solving capabilities, e-learning platforms enabled in live webinars represent the future of education.
  • Instructors can create customized courses for students based on their preferences.
  • 59% of students completed a course in M-learning or mobile learning, which is another medium for online live-streaming classes.
  • YouTube channels such as Learning Space Digital found it very profitable to transform their business into a digital model through a “SaaP” provider.

Ecommerce and Marketing

In addition to the live video streaming trend, e-commerce will gain more sales if their products are kept alive, and they carry out live event concepts such as buy-now strategies. As a result of staying with products, you can enhance the online shopping experience for end-users. The trend of live streaming includes video marketing on social media, which brings customers and brands together.

Main Trends:

  • 64% of consumers said that they would probably buy after watching online videos.
  • Many brands are launching premium content through live streaming platforms as it allows them to present the product and interact with the live audience.
  • According to a 2017 study, 81% of brand managers contribute to following a mobile marketing strategy.


The strategy of live streaming benefits retailers by creating live video events with customers, resulting in more authentic interactions with viewers, resulting in engaging viewers. With ideal strategies, retailers can also expand their retail marketing and sales through social media streaming, influencers.

Main Trends:

  • Social media advertising campaigns cost much less than traditional platforms.
  • Interactive, purchasable videos are 40% more effective at increasing sales and encourage the online streaming trend when shopping online.
  • Amazon Live was launched in February 2019 and contained video content from several brands.

Health care

From real-time patient care to training, there are different ways to make healthcare live. Live streaming technology can guide surgeons during surgical treatment on offshore panels of doctors. The technology allows patients to have direct interactions with healthcare professionals to share treatments and make diagnoses.

Main Trends:

  • Live chat in consultation with a remote health professional broadens the scope of quality healthcare.
  • It is also an economical way to train health professionals. Dr. of Royal London Hospital. Shafi Ahmed used medical reality, a live streaming platform, performing virtual reality surgery.
  • Hospitals regularly use live broadcast platforms to discuss relevant topics and humanize medical jargon.

Customer service

As the industry demands quick solutions to problems, real-time live video chat allows customers to get quick solutions to their queries. Over the years, live video customer service increases, increasing user experience, engagement, and business value.

Main Trends:

  • Live chat with a knowledgeable and patient assistant enhances the voice calling experience.
  • Live instructional videos in the software industry pick up on customer experience strategies.
  • Streaming a product video or behind-the-scenes experience shows that customer engagement with the brand is improving.
  • Large organizations ran the competitions live, with 70% of companies reportedly prioritizing them.

Gaming industry

Unlike other industries, the gaming industry is quite different, where the role of live video streaming is to build engagement and reach the maximum number of users, for some platforms, such as Twitch, the fact that live streaming plays an essential role in an attractive business for sports. Live streaming of screens and webcams is a strategy that allows live streaming in sports, thereby increasing engagement.

Main Trends:

  • Professional brokers connect their clients with interactive games and live commentary. Revenue can be earned through membership and fundraising campaigns.
  • The average daily viewing time for live gaming sites is 95 minutes.
  • One of the most popular live-streaming game sites is Twitch, which has 15 million active users per day.
  • YouTube Gaming, which debuted in 2015, is one of the later entrants in this segment.

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