7 Reasons to Choose Quora in Your Marketing Strategy

Quora is a Q&A community that is greatly underestimated and underused. This forum is all about building your authority on a specific topic and building relationships by answering questions with people who share similar views and interests.

It has become a favorite destination of many modern marketers worldwide because that’s where the masses are.

What is Quora?

Quora is a social Q&A community. Since its inception in 2010, it has seen its user base grow. Today, Quora has more than 1.5 million monthly visitors worldwide.

Quora is a mixture of Facebook and Wikipedia! Like Wikipedia, Quora also has many details and answers about various topics. Just like Facebook, Quora is also a social platform.

Quora is social networking and question-and-answer forum where questions and queries are asked, answered, and organized by a community of users known as Quora. Here, users can collaborate by editing and merging the question by suggesting edits and edits to other relevant users. You can easily create an account using your Google or Facebook ID or create an account on Quora by entering your email ID and filling in the required details.

Quora allows its users to ask questions, merge questions, follow a question, answer a question, request an answer to a question, suggest edits, upvote, downvote, thanks, comment, share, and bookmark allows for.

Quora helps you find your brand. Answering questions and starting conversations on topics related to your industry allows your brand to build its reputation as an authority and showcase its expertise.

So, here are some of the reasons why tech companies should invest their time and money in Quora marketing.

1. It is a Great Inbound Marketing Tool

Customers reside in different places online. They are looking for reliable information from people they can trust. The developers at Quora understand this, and that’s why they’ve integrated a DIGG-like voting system for the quality of answers, where users can upvote for an answer which builds trust and legitimacy for the user. As the Internet becomes more complex with low-quality content, users flock to places they know and trust. It is up to you to build that trust by sharing your expertise.

Quora allows you to respond directly to anyone who asks about your product or service. The more answers you give, the greater your impact on Quora. You also have the opportunity to share links to blog posts, product pages, or other helpful content on your website. Note that the Quora community doesn’t like it when a user leaves simple answers just to link back to their site. Ensure that you’re adding value and benefitting the community if you’re doing a little self-promotion. Failure to do so may hurt your online reputation.

Quora links are marked “no follow,” which means they do not send any “link juice” to your site. However, adding links to answers on Quora is a great overall strategy as you will increase your authority, increase traffic to your site and increase brand awareness. Plus, no-follow links can help build a well-rounded backlink portfolio.

2. Massive Online Presence

Quora had around 300 million monthly visitors last year, of which a large percentage were registered and active users. It saves you a massive chunk of the work of gathering a diverse and interested audience in one place.

But apart from that, what makes Quora the perfect candidate for marketing is its userbase. Roughly 77% of users are between the ages of 18 and 34, which is the golden age that consumes most products and services.

3. Quora is Perfectly Optimized for the Search Engines

Like any other content, Quora posts also appear on search engine results for relevant search queries. The answer to one of your questions may rank on the number one position in the search engine results for a given term. It makes Quora a surefire way to generate some referral traffic.

If you feel that your answer is entirely relevant to the question, you can include some keywords in your response. By doing so, you can increase your chances of appearing in Google results and the search results of the Quora community.

4. You can use Quora as a Networking Tool

Quora is an exceptional platform that you can use to connect with relevant people in your niche. Connecting with relevant people helps you in various ways. For example, it provides new business opportunities, collaborations, and even new jobs. For example:

On Quora, next to each topic you follow is a tab; this tab shows you all the top artists in that particular topic that you follow. These top artists are selected based on their answers and interactions with different people on Quora. They’re entitled as the “Most Viewed writers.”

Here we are sharing seven tactics you can use to network on Quora:

  • Whenever you follow a topic, open the Most Viewed Writers tab. Hover your cursor over the name, and you can see a link you can use to follow that person. It will notify you whenever that particular person answers a question or posts a query.
  • You can also view all the answers and their questions directly by clicking on ‘view xx answers’ displayed on the page. It will show you all the answers and questions.
  • Now search for questions that have a low number of answers yet high reviews and recent ones.
  • Answer the same question for which they have answered.
  • In your answer, you can either mention something from the answer or supplement the explanation of why you like the answer using the person’s name with @.
  • You can also add an answer to fill in the gap (if you can) in that person’s answers. If you add any valuable answers, don’t forget to mention them.
  • Doing this will help you stand out in front of the person you follow. But that’s only possible if you add a great answer that’s enough to grab the attention of someone who follows you. They will regard you as a knowledgeable and skilled person in the industry. This type of network can give you many opportunities.

5. Your Brand can Capture User Attention

With Quora, you can deploy communications for all stages of a customer acquisition plan, from building a brand identity to monitoring post-purchase behavior. About 3/4 of Quora’s traffic comes from mobile devices, which means your brand can capture users’ attention and test their mobile experience. Depending on where you’re in the buying cycle, you can use Quora and keep your marketing communications focused, attracting and converting high-quality leads to drive good customer engagement.

6. Quora helps Marketers Meet their Competitors

Quora is a platform that allows marketers to find their competitors to perform better. Looking at the competitors is very important in marketing as it helps a marketer understand how others are doing in this regard. As a result, it makes a marketer work with excellent productivity and also better than others.

7. It helps you Find Crucial Influencers

If you’re struggling to find critical influencers for your brand, Quora can be a great resource. Many users have established their credibility on Quora again and again. Because of their highly informative answers – these users are recognized by Quora as significant contributors. 

You and your social media company can connect with these contributors by commenting on their answers or answering their questions. You can also reach out to them directly and ask if they would be interested in helping you promote your brand. If you need further details about how Quora marketing works, you can contact us. Our Quora experts are here to help you with a free consultation call. Fill this form to join now!

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