How to Make a YouTube Channel Successful in 2021

YouTube, the Google-owned video network, boasts more than a billion users – nearly a third of all people on the world wide web – and every single day, people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views. On mobile alone, the US YouTube reaches more 18-34 and 18-49-year-olds than any cable network in the US.

If you have been considering marketing on YouTube or have just started and haven’t really found your feet, this post is for you. YouTube is the 2nd most prominent and most significant search engine on the web, just after Google.

Therefore, as social media managers and SEO professionals, YouTube is a platform that we cannot ignore. An optimized channel is the foundation of prosperous content. The following are some essentials to make a YouTube channel successful in 2021.

1. Focus Into One Niche

There are approx 31 million YouTube channels. However, finding the right video is like finding a needle in a haystack. To make your channel stand out, stop expanding your business channel into multiple channels. Not sure how? Google has the answer.

One, a consolidated channel is beneficial to the viewers as they can get what they want. Separating from internal priorities may make sense to your HQ, but it doesn’t serve your audience. Bringing all videos together on a single platform is beneficial for overall channel reach, subscriber count, and brand side engagement.

2. Create Channel Art

YouTube channel art is YouTube’s version of a Facebook cover photo. Channel art occupies a prominent place on your YouTube channel, which means it is absolutely essential for any channel to use customized art to share your personality or brand with your audience.

3. Be Consistent

Having your YouTube channel is like having your own TV show. You need subscribers who can watch your videos regularly.

So one video, no matter how good it is, is not enough for YouTube marketing success. Compare this to a pilot episode of a TV show. Even if it gets good ratings, it does not ensure that it gets picked for the second season. So you have to commit to making regular videos for your channel.

4. Introduction Video

Creating an intro video, or even just setting one up, may sound awkward, but it’s a great way to leave the first impression. A set intro video will automatically start playing under the channel banner when you enter into the channel, and it’s the largest video on the screen.

Better yet, the first part of the video description you set will also be shown on your channel’s home page. So, it’s a great place to tell people a little more about yourself and your channel.

5. Make Your YouTube Channel Discoverable

If you’ve terrific content on YouTube, but no one watches it… what’s the point?

To get subscribers and views, you’ll need to optimize your channel and videos for search. Here’s a short 30-second rundown:

Customize Video Title: Use short, descriptive titles that include Google-friendly keywords. Titles are the first things users see, but they also help search engines understand what your videos are about. So make sure all your titles are catchy and exciting, but at the same time clear and include keywords.

Customize your YouTube description: It is essential to be clear, concise, and descriptive here too. Be sure to front-load your keywords and add links to other playlists.

Another cool trick to use in video descriptions? Make a “Table of Contents” with timestamps so viewers can find what they’re looking for.

Add Tags (In Moderation): While it may be tempting to load this section with clickbait tags, be sure only to include tags that are relevant to your content. Be honest, and choose quality over quantity. The purpose is to reach an audience that is genuinely interested in content similar to yours.

Tags also help YouTube’s algorithms understand what your content is about. So be sure to add a category or two to help search engines put your video in front of the right audience.

Cross-promote: Link your YouTube channel on your other social profiles, website, and email signature to let your existing fans know you’re starting a video empire.

Understand the algorithm: If you haven’t already, now is the time to familiarize yourself with the YouTube algorithm. The AI-based algorithms determine the search results and the recommendations for the all-important “what’s next” sidebar.

6. Plan Your Content

Before starting a YouTube channel, you’ve probably already decided what kind of video content you want to show. The best way to increase your views and gain followers is still keeping your content exciting and engaging. The more people that can relate to it, the more they will want to click on it and watch it till the end.

It also helps to stick to your theme if you have one. For example, many successful YouTubers have channels dedicated to travel, tutorials, or their daily lives. Viewers love to live through what they see, so tell them what they can expect and provide exciting content they can enjoy.

7. Learn How YouTube Works

Chances are, the first video you make will be completely useless. But the goal is to start. If you’ve taken the first step and stick to it, in six months you’ll be amazed to see how far you can go. But you’ve got to start the journey somewhere. And along with that, you have to create your YouTube channel first, even if you feel you are not ready for it. Create a YouTube account, upload videos to YouTube. You don’t need to publish all of it immediately, that’s the important thing.


All YouTube channels started with just one post and one video – although many stopped there. So, stop putting it off. Do your competitor and market research, set up your social strategy, create and launch some solid introductory content! If you’re serious about YouTube marketing, you can contact us. Our experts are here to help you for Free! Call now!

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