Importance of Keyword Research for SEO And How to Do It

Technology continues to evolve as humans discover new ways, do things faster with more temperament than before. In many areas, there is not as much of this innovation as in web development.

The web development industry is changing rapidly; you need to align your business goals with the latest industry trends to get ahead of your competitors. This post will share ten web development trends that will be most popular in 2021 and help you grow your business and tap more markets. Let’s get started and find out the top web development trends in 2021.

Developers are always looking forward to discovering new technologies that can inspire them for a brighter future. For many companies, sustaining these developments can prove to be a problem. Thankfully, we have outlined some of the significant trends that will be relevant in 2021 and beyond.

1. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) that provide an app-like experience in offline mode

PWA are unique applications designed to support specific activities, responsive actions, app-like functions, etc. PWA’s are designed to work in offline mode. A progressive web app offers the benefit of both classic websites and native apps. Web technologies used to create PWA include CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. This trend will be continued in 2021, and many developers will build websites using this trend in 2021.

2. Cyberspace will grow in importance

In October 2020, hackers were able to carry out a malware attack on Germany’s second-largest software vendor Software AG, demanding about $ 20 million.

According to a report, the number of distributed denial (DDoS) attacks has doubled every quarter in 2020. In DDoS attacks, hackers suppress a target server with a flood of malicious Internet traffic. The end result can be hours of downtime and loss of revenue.

3. Motion UI design will boost page interactivity

A website should not contain only the information that a person is searching for; It should also be aesthetically pleasing, which requires a growing emphasis on the user interface. The next phase is ripe for the speed UI explosion.

When a user visits a website, motion design can help create an intuitive interface that guides the user on what he/she needs to do and helps to focus on the content of the page.

The motion UI includes visual cues and makes it possible for web applications to respond to users, thereby providing a more fluid and enjoyable user experience.

4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Adoption

AI has been making its way into our digital lives for a few years now, but as more companies invest in technology, we can see a significant leap forward. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), in particular, have moved from theoretical concepts to total use cases.

5. Voice search will explode thanks to IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) has promised much for quite some time, but 2021 may be the year we see what can be done. Two areas, in particular, voice search and smart speakers, may be responsible for this increase.

According to an estimated by 2023 there will be 8 billion digital voice assistants in use, and it is expected that by 2021 there will be 163 million smart speakers.

Growth in both of these areas will affect how everyone from developers to users interacts with search engines, meaning that developers and marketers will need to optimize how they do things.

6. Web assembly to boost rankings

Website performance is essential to gain more visibility in the SERP and enhance the user experience. Web assembly is the latest framework that does not depend on particular platforms or programming languages. It executes a code much faster than JavaScript and optimizes the performance of a website. Therefore, every web development company should take advantage of this framework to rank their applications on top of SERPs and provide an excellent user experience.

7. Single-page website to make the application lightweight

Single-page websites will be the most preferred trend in 2021. These are great for freelancers, individuals, and especially product websites. Such websites take up less space and allow users to find things without browsing through multiple pages quickly. Since there is a single webpage, they are easy to create and manage.

8. Mobile-first approach to accelerate

The mobile-first approach in the web development sector has gained traction in recent years. Recently, The number of mobile users has surpassed the number of people using desktops. The mobile-first design provides much more than just accountability. Google has already considered mobile-optimized design as a ranking factor and continuously improves search engine result pages’ performance.

9. Cloud computing will continue to progress

The growth of remote work would not be possible without cloud computing, and this trend should continue until 2021. Gartner predicts public cloud services are expected to grow to $ 306.9 billion by 2021 from $ 242.7 billion in 2019.

With the growth that SaaS companies have seen in 2020 and announcements from several top tech companies that they will shift to remote-first, you can expect that new cloud computing will be necessary to keep up with the progress.

10. Chatbots to engage users

Chatbots provide automated communication solutions. The trend of chatbots is expected to increase further shortly. Using machine learning algorithms, chatbots can now answer any of the human queries without any help. You can use chatbots to answer specific common questions and speed up the problem-solving process. In this way, you can save time, money, and resources to find and hire customer support officers.


Integrating the latest web development trends enables web developers to please their users with exceptional user experience, increase the ranking of their web apps and open up new markets for their products and services. If you have not implemented these trends, you should consider them and implement them with a leading web development company. If you need any assistance regarding your business, feel free to reach us. We will be happy to help you.

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