How to Write a Good Meta Description For Your Posts

Are you confused about how to write your meta description? You are not the only one. To help clear up that confusion, We will guide you through how you can write a search engine-friendly meta description.

You’ll learn why your site’s meta descriptions are so important, as well as the best length for your meta descriptions.

What is a meta description?

A meta description is a paragraph of text placed in the HTML of a webpage that describes its content. The meta description will then appear in the search results under the URL of your page. It is also known as a snippet.

Where do I add a meta description?

You can add the meta description to the <head> section of your site’s HTML. It should look something like this:


<Meta name = “description” content = “Here is the exact description of my terrible webpage.”>


Your CMS should have complete control of your meta description, especially if you are using WordPress.

Why is meta description essential?

A meta description can affect a searcher’s decision to click on your content from search results. The more descriptive, engaging, and relevant the description, the more likely someone will click on it.

Is The Meta Description Can be Used As A Ranking Statement?

Google has proposed that meta descriptions are not only a ranking signal. The quality of the description will also affect the click-through rate, so it is essential to use this element wisely.

11 Tips to Write A Good Meta Description To Increase SEO Ranking of Your Posts

1- Search engine optimal length

A meta description should use keywords wisely and be a compelling description that search engines want to click on. The meta description must be approximately 150–160 characters to be fully displayed on Google.

2- Use keywords in meta descriptions

Like a meta title, placing keywords in a meta description increases the chances of clicking on your website in SERPs.

3- Avoid copying meta descriptions

If the meta description is repeated, your site’s user experience will be affected. Like the meta title, the meta description of each page must be unique. When you write a meta description, it should be relevant to the content of the article.

4- You need to write in the active voice

In a sentence written in an active voice, the subject of the sentence performs some action, whereas the subject receives the action in a sentence written in a passive voice. Therefore, writing in an active voice is the best practice.

5- Length

A description must be approximately 135–160 characters. There isn’t hard and fast rule regarding that, but the ideal length is about 135 characters. If it is too short, you may not be able to express this point appropriately. Therefore, the correct length is required.

6- Using appropriate keywords

Keywords play an essential role in search engines. Google will not rank your page in the SERP if you use keywords that do not appear on your website’s meta description.

7- The description must be persuasive

The description should be written to impress the reader and convince them to click on the link leading to the article. In short, they must be written to elicit feedback from the reader. It needs to be not only persuasive but also specific.

8- Call to action

Call to action is used in business as part of a marketing strategy to get your target market to take action. It is typically used at the end, or sometimes in a sales pitch, to let potential customers and customers know what to do next if they like what you offer.

9- Include Focus Keyword

If a user’s search query content matches with your page’s meta description – not only its word gets highlighted, but Google and other search engines also make the link more relevant and take it to the top of the SERPs.

10- Details must match the content on the site

If Google and other search engines find that the content and details of your site do not match, then the game will be pretty challenging for you. To avoid any undesirable circumstances, it is best to keep your content uniform and matched.

11- Unique meta description

It is essential to keep the details separate and unique. Each page should have a separate meta tag that enables people to reach your website faster.

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