How to Handle Negative Customer Reviews Online

With the popularity of social media sites and reviews, businesses are under even higher pressure to deliver quality service. However, whereas in the olden days, an unhappy customer could share information about their negative experience with a provider to their friends/family, there is always a risk of sharing it online.

And if it’s online, potential customers can easily see it and be turned off. So while you will try to provide the same excellent level of service to all customers, there are times when things don’t go according to plan, and you are getting negative reviews online.

The tricky part is has 50 happy customers before having one unhappy customer. Still, usually, the same unhappy customers will run to your Google Plus, Facebook, or other places to leave a review.

The primary key to ensuring that bad reviews don’t affect your business is to have a strategic plan to respond quickly and appropriately to any negative reviews. Some of the critical things to consider when drafting a plan on handling negative reviews include:

1. Respond Promptly

Responding quickly to negative reviews shows the customer that you care and value their opinion. It can also be the catalyst that leads someone who has had a bad experience with your business to give you a second chance.

2. Take the Issue Offline

Depending on the problem, it may be better to respond privately by email or phone rather than responding to an unfavorable review by leaving a public comment. If you solve the problem to the customer’s satisfaction, leave a short comment in the public timeline.

To avoid an online exchange of negativity that everyone can see, you should always strive to leave a genuine, thoughtful public comment and then discuss the matter offline.

If it feels right, taking the related issue offline shows that you are perfectly prepared to deal with this situation – and you’re not just apologizing for a show.

3. Get Defensive

It is natural to get mad when someone criticizes your business, especially if you think the complaint is well-founded. Although you try to run your business as best as possible, a bad review may feel like an attack.

But responding in haste doesn’t help — and it might turn into a viral nightmare. On the other hand, no small business owner wants to be a raging entrepreneur who can’t handle negative feedback. So take some time to work out your thoughts before responding.

Suppose you think the situation is outright miscommunication. In that case, it can be not easy to be genuinely apologetic and not defensive. But, even if you were right, don’t try to rub it in the customer’s face – it will worsen the situation.

4. Tactfully Promote A Positive Image of Your Business

Without making it seem like you contradict the guest, explain why they lack experience in natural and non-restrained language.

If it sounds natural, include some of your business’s strengths in your answer. Feedbacks can be a great way to flip the script and positively cast your business.

5. Never Ignore A Negative Review

Positive or negative, you must give respond to all customers. For example, 41% of customers say brands responding to their reviews show that the organization cares about them. Another report shows that customers spend up to 49% more at companies responding to their reviews.

Remember that online reviews are on public websites, so you respond to every reviewer and everyone reading the review, even future customers.

The fact is that ignoring a negative review won’t make it disappear. On the contrary, it will only get worse. Responding to customer reviews is your chance to fix it. A solution also shows your potential customers that you are not careless and have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the problem does not occur with another customer.

Hence, it would be best never to ignore a negative review – as responding to each customer review presents an opportunity for more positive feedback once the customer’s issues are resolved. Furthermore, positive feedback helps build a solid online reputation, which is the backbone of any business’s digital presence and adds value to other marketing channels.

6. Never Get Personal

Be considerate and give a unique response, but don’t get personal, and certainly don’t ever attack or retaliate.

Even if you remember that the exact person left a review and know they were not wholly – or even slightly – or even some – acting in the right way, handle it like an actual business professional with so much more to lose. And remember, you have a lot to gain.

7. Take the Extra Step

Although you don’t need to go beyond that, it almost always helps. It depends on the problem and how minor or the colossal impact it had on the reviewer.

But sometimes, apologizing is not enough. And offering credit for use in your business isn’t always the answer. Instead, take extra steps to show that you are not only sorry but that you want to do it right and win the person’s trust.

Giving the gift of peace can be the first step in that direction. Sure, gift cards or flowers can make an impact. But, be creative and think about what matters to you as a customer.

Even something as simple as an image or custom video can improve a reviewer’s perception of a company and how it works and influence many others for years to come.

People who come across a review – and its responses could quickly shift from once-uncertain or even unhappy customers into brand advocates. And especially in the days of social media, don’t forget the impact of word of mouth.

All you have to do is go the extra mile, and you’ll probably make an impact. If you want to establish yourself as a brand, contact us. Our Experts are here to help you. Call now!

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