Google Ads Guide and Types of Google Ads Campaign

One thing is sure for the persistence of Google ads to improve the user experience. Thanks to innovations in artificial intelligence, Google ads have provided users with a more personalized experience.

Google recently included a workflow framework for uploading new campaigns. This structure guides users through the process by providing options for them to choose from.

In this article, Our readers learn about Google ad campaign Types and how to choose the right type of ad, and how you can benefit from it.

Types of Google ad campaigns – Know Various types and goals of Google advertising campaigns that you can use for your business .

So you have started setting up your Google advertising campaign. At this point, you have to choose your goals. Google Advertising will then suggest the best available campaign types for each goal. One of the following will be offered:

  1. Search Campaign
  2. Display campaign
  3. Shopping campaign
  4. Video campaign
  5. App campaign

Each campaign is designed to promote specific products or services. Google also offers suggestions for different types of businesses:

  1. Sales: Display Network, Search, Shopping
  2. Website Traffic: Display Network, Search, Shopping, Video.
  3. Leads: Display Network, Search, Shopping, Video
  4. Product and Brand Ideas: Display Advertising, Video.
  5. Brand Awareness and Reach: Display Advertising, Video

But how do these types of campaigns work? Also, how can you use each type to achieve your campaign goals?

  1. Search Campaigns

In all types of Google advertising campaigns, advertisements are most commonly used on the search network. As part of a campaign, ads are launched to influence the search engine after a user enters a keyword, for which you have placed your bids.

Search campaigns encourage users to take action by calling your business or clicking on your ad. Targeted people are probably actively looking for services or products like yours.

Here are some goals you can achieve with this type of campaign:

  1. Increase sales.
  2. Increase website traffic.
  3. Increase the number of leads.

By using search engine advertising, you get:

  1. Easy performance measurement.
  2. More potential for direct conversion.
  3. Cost-effective because you only have to pay after a user clicks on your ad.
  4. A highly customized platform.
  5. Enormous opportunities for potential customers, with about 3.5 billion searches on Google every day.

2. Display campaigns

Using the Display Network, Google will provide your banner and image ads to your potential customers when they visit relevant sites.

Such campaigns are widely used with online brands. Thus, if you have an online women’s clothing store, this type of campaign will display your ad in the same online store.

It is the best campaign type for:

  1. The Leads
  2. Remarketing
  3. Increase website traffic
  4. Brand recognition

With the rise in popularity of infographics, this type of campaign is gaining traction.

With Display Network campaigns, you get:

  1. It is easy to uncover relevant business ideas.
  2. Capture the attention of your visitors with interactive and memorable graphics.
  3. Ability to target geographical location and time interval.
  4. Increase brand awareness for the concerned audience.
  5. Benefits of attracting more customers with infographics.
  6. Improving the effectiveness of remarketing with display ads (70% more people will convert if remarketing is done using this advertising type).

3. Shopping Campaigns Types

This type of Google advertising campaign appears above the regular search with the title, product image, carousel, price, and store.

In all types of Google advertising campaigns, it focuses on the quality of your images. This is the key to stand out from the competition and grab buyers attention.

Use business advertising campaigns to achieve:

  1. Increase in website traffic.
  2. Better traffic navigation quality.
  3. Increase product sales with image galleries.

With shopping campaign types, you can benefit from the following:

  1. Simple, easy-to-use workflows for high-speed tasks.
  2. Convenient shopping campaign management.
  3. Increase the number of potential customers through relevant product advertising.
  4. Higher conversion rate than search result ads.
  5. The power of an e-commerce business.

4. Video Campaign

This form of Google advertising campaigns allows you to serve video ads on popular video content sites such as YouTube and the entire Google Display Network.

This type of campaign is easy to set up and manage. This allows you to use video from your YouTube account and monitor ad performance to optimize video marketing as you see fit.

According to Amazon and eBay, product descriptions include video ads, increasing the likelihood of a purchase by 35%.

There are three types of video ads in this campaign that you can serve:

  1. In-stream video ads: These are the most common form of video ads. It is a linear video ad that plays before, during, or after any other piece of video content. All advertisements are played in the leading video player.
  2. Out-stream video ads: These are standalone advertisements that are as different as any other content. For this form of video advertising, you have to wrap linear ads around elements such as blog posts or other videos.
  3. Interactive Video Advertising: This advertisement takes the entire visitor’s screen and prevents the current video content from being viewed.

Video advertising campaigns are profitable if you want to increase brand awareness or increase website traffic.

With video campaigns, you get:

  1. Excellent reputation among visitors.
  2. The traffic potential is increasing by watching 4 billion videos per day on YouTube.
  3. Increases brand credibility.
  4. The chances of gaining popularity have increased.
  5. Effective Product Awareness.
  6. Ability to easily track content performance.

5. App campaign

These types of campaigns are used to bring traffic to your app. App campaigns make it easier to promote apps. All you have to do is add a few lines of text, resources, and bids – everything else is optimized to get your ad to the right audience.

Google Advertising also automates your bidding and targeting strategies so that you get the most help from every download. With this campaign, you can optimize your targeting to find high-value users based on tasks such as in-app conversations.

Your ads will also appear on the Google Search Network:

  1. Google search partner
  2. Google play store
  3. Youtube
  4. Admob
  5. Google Display Network

By using app campaigns, you will benefit from the following:

  1. Easy installation and management
  2. Increase application download
  3. Automatic ad optimization
  4. Increase the number of lead thanks to correct graphics

Artificial intelligence is taking the advertising game to a more advanced and customized level, where advertisers do not need to be involved.

We thank Google for its efforts to provide automated solutions to advertisers with common problems. It means that we have more and more Google advertising campaigns and higher levels of optimization and service.

The campaign you choose can benefit or break your advertising efforts. Therefore, when you can choose any type of campaign for your advertisement, it is best to trust Google ads’ suggestions.

Tips TO Optimize your PPC AD Campaign


Working in this vertical will teach you one or two things about the cost per click. For example, CPC would be a completely different estimate for sneakers than looking for SEO services. In general, if the ad being served is not expensive, the average CPC is low.

In other words, all footwear retailers will make the most of the same range because their margins are not very different from each other. It usually sets the value for a given vertical.

However, this poses a problem in cases where the CPC is high: every click counts and is expensive. Many retailers are willing to pay these costs either because their product is too high or because they know they will get it back over time due to the customer’s lifetime value.

Set up Proper Conversion Tracking

It is incredible when you work with high-value customer environments and find that they are still not tracking phone calls generated from massive PPC campaigns.

Services such as call tracking seemed too complicated for local businesses—this required coding, additional membership fees, etc. The CPCs were relatively low back then, so it was not worth the hassle.

Nowadays, industries such as HVAC or solicitors can routinely pay more than $ 100 per click, meaning they can lose even more money if they don’t utilize a suitable platform to track phone calls.

Dont forget to set up conversion tracking in Adword or Google Ads to track leads, visit or call made to your business by your ad copy , simple registration and snippet on the website will give an idea of ​​where these high dollar leads are coming from. It can help you focus on the budget about what is best to spend and to free up funds from the flailing campaign.

Select the Right Type of Keyword Matching

These are the five main keyword match types:

  • Broad match (max reach, min relevance)
  • Modified Broad match (slightly lower reach, greater relevance)
  • Phrase match (medium reach, medium relevance)
  • Exact match (min reach, max relevance)
  • Negative match (usually used to increase the relevance of the website visitors)

keyword matching has changed a lot since Google did exact matches. Well, not exact. Pay attention to how your keywords are matched to your competitors. It is no longer sufficient to test extensive or modified broad coverage. If you want your search terms to match a specific ad group, it takes more work than before.

Google will take many liberties with your matchings these days, including words that Google thinks – are close to what you have. Google stopped showing advertisers all the search terms for which they matched. It means that it is even more important to be extremely vigilant with the data you have.

Evaluate Device and Platforms For Getting Better Conversion

Sometimes there is a difference in users’ mobile versus desktop or tablet behavior, but this is not the case in high-speed environments.

Let’s look at two examples of how this can happen.

Suppose you live in India and your air conditioner has damaged in August. HVAC clicks are costly, and it is not difficult to see why: the job is essential, and the price is reasonable. How do you think most of these users are searching?

They try to make the air conditioner work by sitting on their phone rather than sitting at their desk and investigating their laptop. In these cases, mobile users are precious, mainly because they are more likely to call an ad and not necessarily visit the site. They need quick fixes.

Now let’s turn to a completely different area for an example: from business to business. Many B2B verticals are very expensive for CPC, but for different reasons: they are costly deals, which can take years (or even years!) To complete.

They are very worth it, but for a different reason from our HVAC example. Are these users researching expensive software solutions on their phones? Maybe not so much. In this case, desktop users are probably more valuable than mobile users.

Therefore, understanding where your conversion tasks are coming from is essential to your bid strategy. Ensure that you pay attention to the data in Google ads and any CRM, which you can use to understand the complete buying cycle of users and their devices.

Use Remarketing To Reduce Your Click Costs

Using remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) is one way to serve your ads for these highly competitive keywords, but perhaps for less money.

Bidding keywords in an open auction means that you are competing with all competitors. It also means that there may be search terms for future potential customers (i.e., “what is …” or “how do I …”), so on the way to a higher CPC purchase for where they are Makes no sense.

One way to be present when looking for people without requiring your support in the open market is to use RLSA. Same as Display Remarketing, you can implement a customer list of your choice and only show your ads to users looking for those high-competition keywords. It keeps your brand in the eye of users all the time but at a lower overall cost.

Use Audience For Relevance-Based Bidding

This tip is similar to RLSA (Remarketing lists for search ads), but you are using Google instead of using your customer lists. If, for example, you know that your customer is usually a foodie or home remodeler, then you can target your ads to users from those groups when they search.

It works similar to the RLSA feature, but you can choose targeting or monitoring. You can increase or decrease your audience based on the results you see over time.

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