5 Goals And Purpose Of A Business Podcast

Business podcasts are often referred to as “branded podcasts” because there is a brand behind the show. The goal of these companies is to encourage business and to be aware of customers and potential customers.

However, measuring the success of business podcasts is very different from measuring podcasts of personal interest or entertainment. While entertainment and personal interests may be part of the subject, business podcasts are for content marketing rather than entertainment. Business podcasts are done with specific goals and objectives.

Because the ultimate goal is to promote business, standard podcast metrics such as subscriptions, downloads, and chart status are less important for branded pods. These statistics can be used to indicate the growth or direction of a podcast, but ultimately the return on investment goals is similar to any other content marketing material. It is a long-term measure ultimately determined by its impact on the business. This should be the intention of a branded podcast: it can positively impact your business. The podcast supports your overall marketing goal, which is business development.

Now that we have defined the intention and purpose of creating a branded podcast, it is important to define your goals and the actions that will drive them. Since podcasting is one of the most effective forms of content marketing, here are some key performance metrics that work best for podcasts:

• Brand Awareness: Does your podcast generate more mentions on social media or within your industry?

• Engagement: Do you get feedback from your audience, either directly or from content created from your podcast?

• Customer Loyalty: Did customers indicate that they have learned from the podcast? This indicates their investment in your brand.

• Authority: Are you acquiring a stake in the industry? Where do you appear against your competitors looking for podcasts in the industry?

• Acquired Media: Do you refer to your podcast? And are you invited to other podcasts because of your podcast?

Podcasts well support these content marketing measurements. While not as specific as the data provided by numbers such as downloads and subscriptions, podcasting’s most important feature is indirect commercial value.

When measuring the success of a show, keep in mind five valuable features of podcasting:

Conveys Authority

The podcast provides an opportunity to share their experiences through conversation. You can compare the needs of your customers by sharing them with others like them.

When you attract other executives from your industry for your podcast, you go with the industry. You can not only share your guests’ knowledge, but you can strengthen your audience’s perception of authority by collaborating with other experts.

Creates Scalable Content

Podcasting is an excellent source of original content – high-content pieces that can be further subdivided into content pieces. This allows you to resize specific podcast episodes to your marketing strategy. For example, you can create long-form blog content from an episode for your transcripts, highlights, audiograms, video excerpts, and more. With all this content, you can become more visible on social media and en route to potential customers.

Expand your audience

If you have the opportunity to reach a stage with a topic-focused audience, you can attract other authentic figures to your brand and audience. Allowing these numbers to reach your audience opens the door to opportunities you can use. These guests usually share your show in recognition of their involvement. You have also created content for the guest that encourages them to share the content they have in the content.

It maintains the highest level of brand

Podcast owners provide regular space for potential customers. Using a podcast and all the content from it can help you increase the frequency of your brand in the ears and eyes of a potential customer. You can also add your most committed existing subscribers to your podcast. This can generate loyalty and appreciation for your brand.

It helps your brand connect with consumers continuously

Finally, the most important part of podcasting, in my opinion, is the expectation of regularly scheduled new content. Podcasts are unique because consumers can subscribe to deliver content to mobile devices, as they can be consumed passively in other activities. This regular delivery allows consumers to align their regular content with their usual activities such as driving, training, or tasks.

Becoming more consistent than rivals can also result in brand reliability and service stability.

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