Tips That Can Make You Viral on LinkedIn Pulse

Do you have difficulty publishing your content? Not sure where to post? You must be thinking, how do you know if you will reach the right audience?

It seems like a complicated and tedious task. You may be sick of managing your blog and driving traffic to it. But now that’s not a problem… and believe, you will start loving the process of publishing the posts now.

You must be wondering which platform we are talking about? Yes, you guessed it right! It’s LinkedIn Pulse! LinkedIn Pulse gives you the most flexible and convenient interface with a large audience!

B2B marketers create large amounts of content, primarily to fuel inbound marketing, social media, lead generation, and pipeline acceleration. Amazingly, 76 percent of people say they create more content than they did a year ago. But even the most stellar content will fail to reach your goals if you don’t promote it well – in the proper places, at the correct times.

It’s probably not surprising that a vast majority (about 94 percent) of marketers use LinkedIn for promotion and content marketing… but not all do it effectively.

More than 106 million users log into LinkedIn monthly and actively engage with it. As a result, there is a huge opportunity to capitalize as these professionals actively search, read, and share content through the platform. But what should you do if you have never published a viral post yet want to increase your attention on the viral scale? Here are some tips to get started.

A Brief Intro About Linkedin Pulse

Essentially, in February 2014, LinkedIn announced the launch of its publishing platform, LinkedIn Pulse. Pulse allows all LinkedIn users to self-publish their posts whenever they want. So it was when even ordinary users also felt like the Influencers and could have pride in posting their thoughts on this platform where previously Influencers could only post.

Now the point is how you publish your posts on this easy-to-use publisher. First, we’re going to walk you through some great tips that will show you how easy and fast it is to publish on LinkedIn Pulse!

But before we move on to the tips, let us tell you a bit of how you got the Pulse! You may be wondering where Pulse goes from the LinkedIn Homepage. Here it is.

How To Navigate to LinkedIn Pulse

There are two ways to publish a post on LinkedIn:

The first way is to click on the ‘Write an article’ tab on LinkedIn Homepage.

The Second Way, go to the Pulse Homepage; for that, you have to click on the small three dots you see on the right side below the ‘Write an article’ tab.

A drop-down menu will appear; click on ‘Recent updates.’

Then, you will see a small ‘News Feed Icon’ on the left side of the Page Feed; click on that.

Here you go with the Pulse Homepage.

Click on the ‘Publish a Post on the top right of the page.

Start writing now and click on ‘Publish’ on the top right once you’ve finished.

5 Tips for Going Viral On Linkedin Pulse

1. Learn About LinkedIn Pulse

First of all, you need to know the purpose of the Pulse platform. For example, should you publish on the Pulse or not? 

Does it suit your niche? And does the platform have your target market or not? As far as planning is concerned, LinkedIn Pulse has a slightly different layout than the LinkedIn job search platform, so you should be able to self-publish your articles and a little bit of that.

Here are some facts about LinkedIn Pulse that you should know:

  • Anyone can publish a job, only need to be a LinkedIn member
  • You can publish your post anytime and any day
  • It has a built-in publishing setup, no complicated setup like other blogs
  • Long-form posts and updates are the best
  • It’s a good idea to write about a topic that interests your network

2. Choose the Topic of Your Interest

Creating posts in the fields you are interested in is the most suitable option. Your writing style will even improve when you write something that excites you. But… Make sure you focus on one topic and don’t get distracted.

Trying to cover 2-3 topics in one post. Never try to do it.

Stay focused, be open, and be interactive! Ensure your post has catchy headlines, facts, statistics, links, and some profound insights about your topic.

Here are some topics that LinkedIn users love:

  • Useful and fact-based advice
  • Trending skill groups
  • Write-ups about problem-solving
  • Challenges in the new industry
  • Industrial Predictions for Future Trends

3. Select a Structure for Greater Impact

Analysis of top-performing long-form content across the LinkedIn Pulse network found that the best-performing content contained the words: who, when, what, where, and how in the title. 

The list format also gives excellent results. In the analysis, 20 percent of the best-performing content were list-style articles. Industry trends are also doing well, with six out of 10 LinkedIn users citing interest in industry insights.

4. Republish Your Existing Posts

Marketers are concerned about duplicate content – ​​and rightfully so. For example, some marketers state that there are no consequences for using your corporate blog content on LinkedIn Pulse, but only Google knows for sure, and Google isn’t telling. So you can do this as a calculated risk. 

Since LinkedIn posts are usually longer than traditional blog posts, one strategy is to rephrase and expand on your original posting.

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