Best Tips To Increase Your Instagram Saves

As Instagram continues to question the possibility of deleting the like count, brands have started looking for new ways to gauge success and measure ROI. 

Goodbye like, hello save: Instagram saves are one of the hottest engagement metrics that brands are tracking right now (and for a good reason). With Instagram testing and hence removing likes, success metrics for Instagram feed posts move away from the public like in favor of the private metric – “saves.”

Hence if you want to grow your account, you might want to get people to save your Instagram posts! Here are 6 top tips to increase Instagram saves.

What Are Instagram Saves?

Instagram saves very simply – users save a post they like by tapping on the bookmark icon in any of your Instagram posts in the bottom right corner. Saved posts can be found easily by navigating to your official Instagram profile, clicking the hamburger menu, and then tapping on “Saved.”

From here, you can also create collections with titles. However, lest brands start marketing directly to Instagram users based on their collections and saves, the social network keeps all this saved content private, and only the account holder can see it.

But wait. Why should brands care if Instagram saves are private, and why are they suddenly a hot topic for measuring engagement?

Importance of Instagram Saves

An “Instagram saves” is a strong indicator that your content resonates with your audience—they may find it valuable enough to save for later.

And while “saves” isn’t listed as a critical engagement indicator for Instagram’s algorithm yet, it may be worthwhile to optimize your content for Instagram algorithms, especially as Instagram trials the “hiding likes feature” in more countries.

With this change in mind, the amount of likes a post gets is less valuable in tracking how booming the center is. If no one other than the account holder can see the preferences, more attention is paid to the overall engagement, including the number of comments and “saves” the post gets.

And to help measure this overall engagement, many businesses have started tracking “saves” on Instagram as part of their engagement rate calculations. Often called “true engagement,” the analyses include likes and comments and the number of times your post is saved.

Engagement Rate = ( Likes + Comments + Saved) / Impressions * 100

While tapping on a simple like button is a way for a consumer to tell a brand that they have seen and enjoyed their post, saves indicate that it is important to them and want to return to this content later.

Hence if you want to see what your targeted audience is engaging with, it is time to start tracking saves as a performance metric.

4 Tips to Increase Your Instagram Saves

These are the four Instagram-saving strategies to follow while putting content on Instagram. That will be useful in the long term running.

1. Publish Evergreen Content

The first strategy to increase your saved posts on Instagram is to publish evergreen content. It is the content that does not become irrelevant over time.

For example, evergreen content can be motivational quotes or tips and tricks that can be used throughout the year and are not time-sensitive.

For example, Non-evergreen content would be a Christmas-related post where people would only be interested in content around Christmas time. On the other hand, an evergreen post would be a 10-minute workout plan or no-carb recipe if you were in the health and fitness industry.

2. Ask People to Save Your Post

Make sure your Instagram post descriptions encourage users to save as well. A subtle reminder in a caption can be pretty powerful. For example, after your title, write “save this fantastic post for easy reference.”

3. Make it Quotable

If there’s one thing Instagram users love – it’s quoting. You can quickly transform quotations into visually engaging content that saves time and money, whether they come from your CEO or an app. Make sure you choose sections that are relevant to your business and industry! Also, don’t go crazy with the quotes. Be thoughtful about your content strategy and consider mixing it up so that your feed looks intentionally curated.

4. Track and Measure Instagram Saves

To see which posts are saved – so you can create more of that worthy content – visit your Instagram Insights. Under the Content tab, tap on See All under Feed Posts and use the filters to review Save Posts. If you want to calculate your engagement based on comments, likes, and saves, use this helpful formula as mentioned above:

Engagement = (Comments + Likes + Save) / (Impressions x 100)

Businesses often aspire for engagement rates between 1 percent and 3 percent, with 5 percent being the Holy Grail of Instagram interaction.

While Instagram might make it difficult for companies to get content in front of more eyeballs, with hundreds of millions of videos and photographs submitted every day, it does precisely the opposite.

Now it’s time to level up your content strategy. Instead of filling Instagram with noise, make sure that you deliver relevant, helpful content to your converting fans.

Follow the above tips to create a saveable Instagram feed.

Check your insights daily to see how often your content is saved. If you have a low save count, experiment with saveable feed content. If you want to know more about Instagram hacks, you can contact us. Our Content experts are here to help you. Call now!

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