Tips for Lead Generation Forms That Drive Results

Generating leads and email signups are essential to your marketing efforts. Done correctly, a dedicated landing page or email capture form can be a gateway to qualified prospects. However, capturing leads without a customized conversion form seems like a Herklian task.

The form deserves more consideration than they get. Compared to how much time we invest in every other element of a lead generation campaign – advertising, content download, landing page – the opt-in form is often slapped like an aftermath.

Generating leads and email signups are essential to your marketing efforts. A dedicated landing page or email capture form can be a gateway to qualified prospects if done correctly.

Only 22% of marketers are satisfied with their conversion rates. Here are ten ways to optimize your conversions and generate more high-quality leads for more revenue.

What Is a Lead Capture Form?

A lead capture form is a web-based form that invites your prospects to provide their information in exchange for something. It’s an excellent way to collect email addresses, whether you are conducting a B2B email marketing campaign or marketing to consumers.

Types of Lead Generation Forms

There are three types of lead generation:

1. Static Forms: Static forms are the most predominant type of lead generation used by marketers. The main disadvantage with a static form is that no matter how many times a specific prospect fills a form, they will always be asked repeatedly for the same information. You can create static forms that include text, dropdown menus, checkboxes, or file uploads.

2. Progressive Form: The Progressive Lead Generation Form is a marketing automation feature that allows marketers to qualify repeat visitors. In this type of lead generation form, you can choose which field appears for a specific prospect based on the information you already have about the prospect.

3. Multistage form: If you have a long lead generation form, it is better to break it into a 2-3 step form. Thus, when a potential customer starts filling out the form, they only have to fill the form they see on the present screen. If you use a multi-step form, make sure you start collecting the most basic information and getting specific in further steps.

10 Tips for Lead Generation Forms That Drive Results

1. Always Include CTA

Your landing page must have a call-to-action to create the most effective impact in the form. Over the years, the call-to-action is the fine line between whether you catch a lead or bounce. Ensure that your catchy, actionable phrase should capture the attention and interest of your website visitors.

2. Never pre-check any boxes on your forms

If you are offering a signup form and planning to use the user’s contact information for anything that is not explicitly described on that form, you need to tell the users that they’re signing up with permission to let you use their information.

You will need to ask for permission in a separate checkbox below the report request form, or you will need to explain that requesting this report also adds them to your marketing email list.

Do not send them follow-up surveys, “partner announcements,” or anything else. If you have not specifically told them that they would receive that item when signing up, do not send it to them later.

3. Use Fewer Form Fields

Each field on your conversion form creates friction for users. Asking for less information will increase your conversions because users will have less time to anticipate the exchange.

The study confirms that shorter forms improve the rest. The optimal conversion rate for a three-field form is 25% but only 15% for a six-field form.

4. Align Your CTA With Body Copy

If your messaging is agreed throughout, then your conversion forms will get more impact. Aligning the CTA, body copy, and headline creates a hard to resist linear and persuasive form.

People are distracted online, but users will continue to read you if your headline includes the right keywords. Restoring your offer increases its relevance and increases conversions.

5. Keep your lead generation form ‘Focused’

It is not about more or fewer fields; it is about grabbing attention and stability through the form. The number of form fields must coincide with the offer’s perceived value and should meet user expectations. For newsletters and lead magnets, you should keep your forms short.

But if you are going for a quality lead, you need to look at the form field type and the amount to ensure the quality and quantity of leads of your optimizing lead.

So basically, it depends on the purpose for which you need your lead generation form. If this is some initial step and you just want the user to sign up, keep it brief and straightforward, but if the user is contracting something with you, you need to dig up some important data.

6. Don’t Pressurize Visitors to Sign Up

The next crucial thing you need to do is add any undue friction or stress for your website visitors. This is counterproductive, and it will only drive them away from your business. Instead of using the power play through words to convince or persuade your followers to sign up, provide a form with no resistance encompassing it.

It means that if you put various things and lots of indicators on your landing page to get people to sign up, you will actually end up with fewer conversions. Hence, in some cases, less is more.

7. Keep Track of Your Results and Define Your Goals

No matter which platform you are working on, Data always matters. If you don’t know what you need to achieve your goal and what your progress looks like, how do you know that you are succeeding?

Suppose you are starting from scratch. There is not a single entry in your lead list. If you want to collect 50 email addresses in the next 30 days, start tracking the number of emails you collect. Your database will show you how far you have come and how many more addresses you need to collect to reach your goal.

A great thing about collecting data from the beginning is that it can inform future goals. Hopefully, you collect a hundred emails in that first thirty days instead of just fifty. You know you must have a more ambitious goal for the next month.

8. Define Your Targeting

Creating the right lead capture form really starts with thinking beyond the form. The story starts with wondering who you should show it to.

The best way to increase your submission rate is to be selective about who you are showing your lead capture form to. Consider targeting your form based on the traffic source your visitors came from. It is an important way to ensure that there is complete alignment between the reality of the experience and the expectations set by the advertisement, email, or post that brings your visitor to the site.

9. Tell Users What Happens Next

Selling to people after filling online forms will remove doubts and increase conversions.

Conversion rate optimization depends on creating certainty in the possibilities. Ultimately, uncertainty is a form of friction, and friction stops the action. Using exciting and active language will help you ignite predictions and get your audience into action.

10. Highlight Errors Clearly

If someone misinforms the information or omits the mandatory field, communicate clearly. When the user makes mistakes, create a field pop-up to show and fix the error. 

If you want to learn secrets about lead generation forms to build your brand. Call Now! Our lead generation experts will assist you regarding the same over a free consultation call. Contact us Now! 

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