10 Benefits of Podcast Marketing For Your Business in 2021

Podcasts cherish more commercial potential than most brands would think. Even in 2021, podcasting is still relatively young in the world of brand marketing. Podcasts can be used to build relationships with your audience. 

Podcasting is the newest media adopted by marketers. Podcasts are versatile, powerful, and informative. Also, there are many hosting platforms available to deliver a podcast to expand your brand awareness.

What is a podcast?

A podcast is an audio program similar to a radio program, hosted through digital platforms such as the Apple Podcast and Stitcher. Listeners can choose from a variety of podcasts based on their interests, right from crime, finance, mental health discussion, TED talks, and many more.

Facts related to online podcasting:

  • Last month, 32 million people listened to a podcast
  • Weekly users consume more than six or more podcasts a week
  • 6% of Americans over the age of 12 listened exclusively to online radio in the past week.
  • There are 22% of video podcast listeners and 27% of Audio Podcast Listeners.
  • 44% of smartphone users listened to online radio, in which 18% listen daily.
  • 29% have used iPod / MP3 players for in-car media consumption
  • On an average of 12 hours/week, people spent their time with all sources of online radio, which is double of the year 2003

While SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and influencer marketing dominate the landscape of the digital business world, a strong argument can be made for the notion of podcasting, as well. The marketing benefits that this trend brings to your startup are endless. The main thing is ROI or effort-to-result ratio that you can expect to achieve from podcasting. Keeping this in mind, here in 2021, your startup will have these ten marketing benefits from podcasting.

Benefits of Podcast Marketing For Your Business in 2021

Brands generally have a strong understanding of the psychological makeup of their target audience. Now you can craft podcasts that align with the information that helps you connect with consumers who have the same psychological makeup, allowing you to connect with new potential customers. Let’s discuss the benefit of podcasting for your business.

1. Podcasting is an Alternative to Video

It’s not a new thing that video marketing is essential for businesses. However, not everyone is comfortable with shooting videos. As a result, using video, in that case, can significantly damage the reputation of you and your business.

Additionally, some small businesses may not have the right equipment to shoot videos that will stand out. It is because the video includes many variables, including lighting, sound, background, etc. Any of these can go wrong if they are not handled carefully. It is where podcasts become relevant.

2. Authoritative Presence

The podcast provides a format for sharing your expertise in your industry. Audio files allow you to express your enthusiasm and speaking skills to add an air of authority to information which can often lack in the written word. Regular podcasts with perfect ideas or accurate information help you and your company to establish yourself as an authority in the business. Your customers want a company that knows the industry, so podcasts help build up that trust.

3. Podcasts Starts a conversation and build relationships

Podcasts are a revolutionary way of communicating with customers. Many people like to listen to something while running errands or doing their work. It makes them feel like they are with someone. With this, your voice is your tool to connect customers to your business and brand. How you project your voice and interact with the audience triggers their imagination. It becomes a substitute for your face-to-face relationships.

4. Reach new audiences

Whether you’re starting your own podcast, partnering with a podcast producer, or a guest on someone else’s podcast, you’re expanding your reach. Podcasts are easily searchable by subject. If you focus on your podcast by working on exciting topics for your target demographic, you can reach an audience that can quickly be converted into potential customers.

5. Podcasts Perfectly Enhance Brand’s Blog and Video Strategies

If you’ve already figured out a blog and video content strategy, podcasting can be the next step for your brand. You can also create supplementary materials around the same topic and release them in tandem, which will help you promote your podcast to your readers.

6. Podcasts Are More Convenience and easy to understand

People are walking with an entire library of podcasts in their pockets every day. Your audience will be able to hear you on the go and will be able to get more information from a relaxed conversation than from a traditional blog post.

7. Extremely engaging medium

For the power of persuasion or average conversion rates of these podcasts, the figures are quite staggering. About 71 percent of all people who hear about a podcast brand are obliged to watch it on their own later. More importantly, 63% of podcast listeners have purchased something advertised, recommended, or even mentioned on the podcast.

Engagement is essential and is one of the leading marketing benefits of podcasting. By creating podcasts and promoting a targeted audience, you can engage a broader part of the people in your audience count. It’s a good deal for building your startup, brand, or business while generating leads.

8. Prospect & Customer Relations

Planning a B2B podcast means finding subject matter experts – trusted voices that can give credibility to your podcast and provide riveting content. When you are looking for these guests, include prospects and customers in your search.

Inviting subscribers to your podcast can help deepen that business relationship as well. But it also provides proof of your prospects that you support and promote your customers.

9. Podcast Increases Traffic Generation

Using podcasts can help you reach new audiences for your business. Podcasts can help make the audience familiar with a wide range of audiences. Listeners usually subscribe to the podcast series and listen regularly. As long as the audio series continues, your audience is quite likely to keep listening.

Additionally, your audience can recommend podcasts to others interested in them, thus significantly increasing your reach. It can lead to rapid improvement in traffic generation.

10. Simplicity

Podcasts are easy to produce, whether you have a commercial space or a home-based business. A computer is used to record podcasts. You will need a microphone to take the audio. A high-quality microphone improves the sound of your podcast. A software program that edits audio files is also essential to produce a quality podcast. This way of reaching customers is more economical than traditional advertising methods because you can do it independently.


Being open to various marketing strategies and tools is the best way to grow your business. Likewise, being creative with your point of view increases the likelihood of recall by people. The more unique your style is, the longer they will remember you.

Podcasts are definitely making their way into the digital marketing arena, and if you know how to use them for your business, you will definitely be successful. However, podcasts are not only used to promote your brand or your business. It is an excellent means of building rapport with your customers, an essential element for long-term business success. If you want to enhance your brand reach and increase your revenue, call us at +1 386 400-6112. Our experts will give you a free consultation regarding all your digital marketing-oriented queries. Call Now!

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