Content Types To Leverage Your Lead Generation Campaigns

With the speedy expansion of the digital ecosystem, it is a real challenge to notice yourself. Have you ever heard about the 15-second rule? Yes, that’s the time people spend on your website.

This is why many marketers who spend significant resources on organic traffic and quality content tend to turn to email list building.

Such marketers encourage users to sign up for their email list, to build relationships with them, and systematically send users essential updates, the latest deals, and fresh content. The idea is to transform into sales and brand advocates gradually.

However, customers want a good reason to give you their email addresses. That’s where lead magnets shine. Lead magnets are incentives that you give to your customers in exchange for their email addresses.

They are often in the form of downloadable content, audio content, or video content. They should be paired with a well-optimized landing page containing a user-friendly newsletter form and a highly engaging CTA.

To help you balance your content, here are ten things you can put on the back of a landing page that can help you get new leads.

1. Ebooks

Ebooks are a popular type of proposal that is used to generate leads, educate customers and prospects, and gain credibility in your industry. Although it can take time to work, so be sure to select a topic that will help you, from downloading your ebook to having a productive conversation with a member of your sales team.

2. Cheat Sheets

A cheat sheet is a kind of short, concise proposal that one can bookmark for future reference. Think of customers as a concise guide. They should be formatted for quick reference meaning clear headers and not too much detail—the more visual, the better.

3. Gated Infographics

Infographics are one of the most potent content forms that let you pack a lot of data into an attractive and easily digestible content format.

As such, they improve your traffic and increase your shares and backlinks. By creating gated infographics, you can ask your customers for their mail addresses without any hassle.

Simply put, you would rather hide an entire infographic on your site than publish it. You will have to provide introductory paragraphs to the intrigued users and prompt them to fill out a lead form to access the rest of the infographic.

Indeed, to give you your email address, your audience hopes that your infographic will be fresh, data-supported, insightful, and informative. Also, you need to pay special attention to its design. The color should be pleasing to the eye, the typography legible, and have short and clear sentences.

Avoid unnecessary portions, focus on crucial information, and make sure the information is logical. Use a lot of white space to make the content easier to follow.

4. Online Courses

Your targeted audience may also be excited to fill out a lead form in exchange for a video course or tutorial. It depends upon you whether you want to make the video in-house, shoot and edit, or hire a professional. You can keep the course live (on-air) or post a recording of the course. Either way, ask participants of the course to share their email addresses in the exchange of the tutorials, so you can send them an email with a video recording that they can access forever.

5. Checklists and Contests

The checklist is another concise proposal that you can place behind a landing page, which readers can print from their desk and place on the wall. Include a transparent header, and a colorful design, and keep the copy brief. Don’t forget to put your firm’s logo on the checklist somewhere.

People love competitions. It can teach you a lot about your audience, expanding your reach, bringing traffic to your website, and generating leads! You can create contests on any social media platform, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

6. Trials

The trials are not limited to things like courses or software only. Sometimes, your prospects will want to try your product or service before deciding if they are a good fit. That’s a good thing – you have to develop a customer base that is confident and loyal, and it can take a little more work trying to sell your item to everyone who listens to you.

So it can be helpful to provide a free trial of your product or service without any risk, no compulsion, and no credit card – the only thing a prospect needs to do is fill out a form.

7. Case Studies

Prospects at the bottom of the sales funnel have already reserved for your brand and products and are ready to buy. But, before they make their purchasing decision at the end of the funnel, they will want to compare you to your competitors. That is where the case study begins.

Case studies help to explain customer’s specific problems that you may need to solve. They include specific results, statistics, metrics, charts, customer testimonials, and examples. Their purpose is to show how you can help customers to overcome problems and achieve specific goals.

Now, while it’s always an excellent idea to include case studies and testimonials on your website, you can also consider offering a downloadable case study.

8. Emails

An email series is a multi-portion series of email marketing sent to a person who has specifically opted to receive them. It’s different from an email subscription offer – it has a finite number of emails sent.

These programs are top-rated around the holidays when many brands promote “12-day of” -themed promotion.

9. Guides

Guides come in many shapes and sizes. There are “top guides,” which are long, intensive, and usually include detailed explanations, screenshots, and step-by-step instructions. Then, there are the “simple guides,” which are shorter and much more concise. What’s the common thing? They’re all tutorials of some sort and also may include step-by-step tips for getting success into a particular field.

From ebooks to worksheets to ebooks, each type of content you put behind a landing page has a specific function. Experiment with different content types and learn which resonates with your audience and convert the most leads. Do more of what works, but never be comfortable! Want to explore more in lead generation? Contact us. Our experts will provide you a free consultation regarding your doubts and queries. Call Now!

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