TipsTo Curate Content In The Right Way

Whether you are on your first-ever date or your bonding in a relationship is a decade old, it’s never a good idea to stare at yourself all the time. So now, what is content curation marketing? Content curation marketing is similar, except your prospects are your dates, and you have to make them feel special. Of course, this will not happen if you only talk about your brand. It will happen only when you create relevant content for them and keep them engaged.

Meaning of “Curated” Term

Curated content is content that you share from other sources on your social media platforms. It is something that matches your brand, and you consider it a valuable piece of information for your target audience.

Content curation involves collecting, categorizing, and sharing valuable content on a particular topic. And just like that, like a curator at a museum, you’re building your own collection on social media platforms.

Why Do You Need To Share Someone Else’s Content Through Curation?

This question is the biggest hurdle for some marketers (or their mentors). The answer is to stop thinking about things from your point of view. Customers want to be informed and educated before buying, and they don’t usually start with a company’s product page. Instead, they want to read what experts and colleagues have to say first.

Harness the power of content created by industry experts and influencers to attract potential customers and show that you are familiar and in line with highly respected figures in your niche.

Want to know another advantage of curating an influencer or expert content? If you do it well and provide proper credit, you may get some love from the person and their audience. Mention the original author on social media when you share new curated posts, and chances are the author and their audience will read and share your curated content as well. Who knows, you might even win some links from curated content blog posts.

How to Curate Your Content?

1. Start with Setting Objectives

With over seven million blog posts going out every day, it is your sole responsibility to provide content that:

  • Relevant
  • Offers a topping of extra value
  • High-quality

But the question is, how should you get started? The simple answer is -with a plan. Keep in mind that your efforts will be everywhere without a strategy that wouldn’t help achieve the qualities of content curation.

First, you need to be clear about how much-curated content you want to add to your feed. There is no hard and fast rule to follow, but you need to be clear about the proportions before starting curating.

For example, try a ratio of 75% of original content and 25% of curated content. You have to set this ratio per share channel. So you can add more curated content to your Twitter account than to your blog.

2. Choose What You Can Share

Before you assess the content, you should be clear about what content format you are looking for. It’s one thing to know your target keywords, but it’s another thing to be sure what type of content you want to add to your content mix.

You have a variety to choose from:

  1. Slideshare presentations
  2. EBooks & Guides
  3. Reports, Researches and White Papers
  4. Lists, How-to Guides, and Tips
  5. Videos, diagrams, and infographics
  6. Statistics

3. Schedule Your Content Search

Content discovery is something you should regularly do to make sure you get new information to share with your followers. Set aside time each day on your calendar specifically for this task. Doing 20-30 minutes every morning and afternoon will help you find freshly curated content.

If you find yourself rushing to errands or between appointments, you can take advantage of any “waiting time” by searching for content on your smartphone or tablet. For example, you may have ten minutes of extra time between meetings, 20 minutes while waiting to go to the doctor, or half an hour in custody with tech support. Of course, these tiny holes aren’t a great time for serious, focused work, but you can use them to find content.

4. Remain Open-Minded

While you need to be focused, you can leave a little flexibility to allow for creativity. You don’t want to get stuck in a groove. When you ask yourself if the content in question is sharable, be open-minded. There can be a fun or creative angle to tie it to your niche.

5. Take Ideas from Events

An easy and valuable way to get content from experts is to gather event ideas. First, there is a simple strategy for presenting conference highlights. The second is to create a webinar or seminar-based content.


It’s all about content. Content is more essential today than ever to brands. It’s not easy because there is so much information everywhere. It’s hard to stay on top of all that, get the latest news, share some of it with your fans.

Curating a library of valuable content that you can share with your targeted audience will save you a lot of time when creating content. The content you post will become more balanced. Your audience will see that you publish impressive promotional and sales posts and provide them with valuable content.

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