7 Ways to Attract Organic Web Traffic On Your Website

SEO optimization for websites on Google is an art and science. These days filling keywords in written content appearing on Google’s first page may not work. What algorithms Google uses to rank content based on its expertise, authority, and credibility. Digital marketers, therefore, need to focus their attention on changing algorithms as they also capitalize on new and emerging trends in SEO if they want to keep their rankings on the first page of SERPs.

They should also adopt transformative trends by changing search engine expertise, aggressively changing, and targeting their customers’ preferences. SEO varies, so marketers need to focus on providing quality digital marketing services to customers. This article sets out ways to balance SEO trends that site owners can use to rank on SERPs and attract organic traffic.

Invest In Zero-Click Search

According to research by SparkToro, 50.33% of Google searches ended in June 2019, without searchers clicking on a page. Local packages, PPC, structured data, knowledge graphs, and open graphs are some SERP features that enable users to get answers without having to click on a search result.

However, zero-click searches have sparked some online debate about how Google enables specific sites to gain a monopoly, gaining more traction. If a website is not optimized for these searches, it will get less traffic and less marketing opportunities.

So marketers need to pay attention to this trend to bring traffic to their sites. They can do this by targeting data intelligence and analytics services. Although Google’s algorithm focuses on long-term keyword search strategies and user intent discovery, a holistic approach requires a marketer to focus on a comprehensive optimization strategy. Such a strategy should include user-generated content, influencers, structured data, data services, and social media. Mixed content with structured data gives a search engine a primary purpose. It enables a product to be distinguished from an article. It is only by using such tactics that a website can rank for searches without any clicks.

Graphics / Visuals Search

Google uses image recognition and artificial intelligence to learn the context and content of images. Marketers have to include images on their sites to improve their rankings. Although searchers generally do not use visual searches, they are becoming popular.

Many people prefer to click on images of products rather than reading their descriptions. Marketers in visual-centric industries such as travel, retail, social, food, fashion, and real estate should include images as part of their SEO strategy to improve their visual search as search engines understand image components Is updated for Pinterest, Amazon, Microsoft and Google have invested in visual search technology to enhance the user experience. A person can now visually search and buy a product from Amazon.

According to a study by Bloomerch, 48% of products cover visual search searches. The survey also found that consumers who search for blind products and return and shop. It is possible by the Google Lens app can intelligently identify objects around a person’s environment, such as plants. A website optimized for images may appear in such searches. Here are some ways a marketer can optimize their query website:

  • Use high-resolution photos
  • Add alt text to images
  • Image Description and Title Optimization
  • Add caption
  • Optimize File Type and Image Size
  • Use unique images instead of stock images

Voice Search Website Optimization

Although voice search has almost been in place since 2012, low technical capabilities do not require traction. But with the rise of mobile voice control and virtual assistants, its use is increasing. According to VoiceBot’s 2019 survey, about 60% of US adults said they used voice search, and 47% of respondents said they would continue to use them. The survey also found that 33% of adults who use the Internet use monthly voice search to search for questions. Therefore, marketers have to optimize their sites for voice search if they want to get more traffic. Here are some strategies for optimizing a voice search site:

● Study the motives of the customers

When choosing keywords to use in a piece of content, marketers need to ask themselves whether they meet customers’ needs. Keywords are an integral part of SEO optimization. However, they are useful only when they address user intent.

● Use of long-tail keywords

Most people who use voice search use long phrases in their speech. Voice search has attracted Generation Z and Millennials, a significant population of Internet users. Marketers need to include long keywords in their SEO strategy to attract these searchers. Voice questioning is typically a conversation, and marketers who use keywords to answer questions may have a greater chance of finding rankings.

Technical SEO

In addition to placing keywords in a piece of content to rank, marketers should also focus on technical SEO if they want to rank better. SEO techniques and trends may change, but technical SEO is stable. All marketers want their websites to be viewed and quickly processed by search engines to gain customers, ideas, and sales. For Google to see their sites, they need to do technical SEO.

They can do this by using schema comments in the content of their website. The schema layout interprets the content of a website for search engines for better understanding and ranking. Most content creators make the mistake of optimizing content when creating it. It can help with keywords being overcrowded or understandable because they don’t know how long the content will be. Therefore, it is essential that they first create content and later optimize it for technical SEO.

Google Search Console is a tool that allows marketers to optimize their website for technical SEO. It provides various customization options that marketers can use to control the ranking of their URLs. It also enables them to monitor, develop, and manage the performance of their web pages. If used correctly, this tool can help marketers get their pages on the right eye’s pupil on search engines.


In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has increased. It inspired Google’s engineers to develop the RankBrain algorithm, which ranks relevant search results based on users’ intentions. This technique uses machine learning to understand the words that searchers use to search queries in SERPs. It means that the search will soon be based not on artificial algorithm-satisfying methods but relevant content.

Companies are also adopting the use of chatbots on their websites and social media pages. This integration enables them to provide 24/7 service to its customers. Chatbots provide detailed and fast answers to customers’ questions, thereby increasing engagement. Marketers who integrate their SEO and digital marketing strategy with AI automate their website, and more automation of the website improves the user experience and Google ranking.

Non-Google Search Engine

Although Google is the most popular search engine, it is not the only one. There are others like Yahoo, YouTube, Facebook, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Baidu – and people are also searching on these search engines. A marketer should also consider these search engines when planning their SEO strategy.

Google should be an integral part of the strategy for both international and local marketers. If you are on other search engines, it can drive more traffic to their site. For example, Amazon wants to dominate product searches by focusing on emerging trends. Pinterest, on the other hand, wants to dominate the image market.

Having a website optimized for Google and other niche sites can help you rank better. Niche sites get billions of searches a day for their products. Therefore, marketers need to understand niche websites’ keyword statistics if they want to rank among them. Google is a typical search engine, while search engines like Amazon are conversion driven search engine. By understanding these statistics, marketers can plan their strategy to drive traffic from both search engines.

Augmented Reality

Customer needs and preferences required more technological inventions. Augmented Reality is designed to give users a 3D experience with virtual images. Google took advantage of this technology by inventing Google Lens. Through this technology, users can have a rich online and real-time AR experience.

Google’s AR technology is designed to allow users to interact with 3D models in search engines. Users can explore everything, including the world’s most beautiful buildings and shark anatomy interiors.

Marketers can take advantage of this technology by creating 3D models on their websites. In this way, prospects looking for products can judge them from every angle before making a purchase decision. According to Google, designing 3D objects for AR searches is not tricky. It requires a few lines of code, which most marketers can do. The use of this new technology can enrich customer experiences and motivate them to make purchases.

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