Content Distribution Tips to Ensure Maximum Exposure

Content marketing is part of the content you create. You can write off the fun in the world, but your engagement numbers will always be zero if no one sees it. To fully utilize their content, it needs to be integrated with the distribution strategy. The best distribution ideas hinge on finding audiences where they’re naturally located.

Creating original, compelling content isn’t accessible (although a good content writing agency can certainly help). And yet, as a content marketer today, this is the least they have expected of you. The real challenge of Content Marketing 2021 is to get your content in front of the right audience. Distribution controls everything around us.

As more businesses understand the importance of content marketing, the competition for content promotion is becoming more challenging. So how do you get to the top of your space? Keep reading to know about the best content distribution tips for 2021.

1. Build A Culture Of Employee Advocacy

An effective strategy is to build a culture of employee advocacy for maximum reach and visibility. As a result, the content shared by employees receives eight times more engagement than branded channel shared content – and is often an underutilized distribution channel.

2. Send Out Broad Target Newsletters

Remember that all your contacts are essential. Send out relevant content or even a comprehensive target newsletter that includes content from all of your contacts. Additionally, make sure you post it on all of your digital assets and match the content to the target audience as closely as possible. Finally, retouch old content with each new content update, such as a link, reference, or feature.

3. Use Paid Promotion Channels for Retargeting

Targeting paid channels is becoming more sophisticated today. One of the most valuable tips is retargeting – putting your brand and content in front of customers who have already visited your website or showing ads based on their interaction history with some of your content. Content marketers need to use this trend fully in their social media marketing efforts.

You can build your retargeting lists based on the type of content you’ve already interacted with your target audience. You can then use these audiences to promote your new content. For example, when promoting a new training video, you’ll target people who have already watched some of your videos.

Once you understand your core audience well, you can start experimenting by targeting audiences with similar characteristics and expanding your reach.

4. Share in Social Network Groups

Your main content deserves an additional distribution effort. Facebook and LinkedIn have Groups features that are great for reaching people actively seeking information on particular topics.

It is essential to ensure that you are present on every central social platform your audience participates in as a content marketer. Whether it’s Quora, Reddit, YouTube, or small niche forums – before you start promoting your content in any way, you need to learn the group’s rules and add value by answering questions and contributing to the discussion. Also, please do not post any content that could be considered spam. Reddit, in particular, has zero spam tolerance and maybe more valuable as an audience research platform than a content delivery one.

5. Add Value to Online Conversations

Marketing teams often share from brand accounts and maybe to employees through an employee advocacy program when distributing content.

While they are essential and can reach more people – there is another area of ​​social media to monitor.

Look for conversations relevant to the content your company has already created. But, again, there’s a delicate balance here because you don’t want to “socially hijack” threads or content by spamming your company’s content. Instead, value the conversations you see, interact with, and genuinely care about.

If it makes sense to link to the content or reference it, it can be super helpful to the conversation. So see your connections and conversations, search for specific topics and keywords, and get involved! 

Spaces like Twitter, Linked In, Facebook, and Quora are great ways to push your information and content further.

6. Set Goals And KPIs

It is pretty challenging to talk about content strategy without mentioning KPIs, which must be determined for each piece of content. What indicators can you measure in terms of content distribution?

  • (Micro)Conversion rate:  It doesn’t, of course, have to be conversion understood as a purchase. Microtransactions are all the little things that lead to a proper transformation. This can be a newsletter or web push sign-up, downloading an eBook/white paper, or visiting a specific page.
  • Unique page views.
  • Users acquisition takes into account acquisition channels (organic, PPC, social media, etc.) to see if everything is going according to plan.
  • Engagement: Bounce rate and average time spent on the page. These indicators will help you decide if you are targeting the right audience and publishing valuable content.
  • Share and Comment: Probably the best award for a content marketer.

How can this help you with content distribution? First, by setting a goal for each topic, you’ll know how to categorize it, and the context of KPIs can help you gauge whether your strategy is working.

7. Сollaborate with Other Brands

Another great practice to promote your content is to partner with other brands in your niche to collaborate on content creation and cross-promotion to each other’s audiences. Let’s take a look at how you can work together to grow your business and reach new audiences:

  • Guest posting: Invite your partners to publish content on your blog and vice versa. So fill your blog with fresh content and go beyond your usual topics, which is always good. And you generate targeted leads from the new website and build your authority in the industry.
  • Expert Advice: Reach out to the businesses you work with for quotes and practical advice on building relationships and boosting your piece’s share.
  • Interviews and Webinars: Invite a key person in a partner brand for an interview and publish it on your blog. Or carry out a webinar together. And then, both of you can share this expert knowledge with your audience.
  • Podcast: Consider collaborating with a similar podcast brand and sharing it with both of your audiences to double your reach.

If you want to know more about content distribution, you can contact us. Our experts are here to help you. Call now!

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