20 Ways To Get Traffic and Promote Your Blog

Starting a blog has become more comfortable in modern life thanks to platforms like WordPress. However, once the blog starts running, the next big challenge is to drive more traffic to your blog or website.

Don’t worry. You don’t need to become a marketing guru to promote your blog. You can quickly increase your blog’s traffic using some proven best practices to attract more visitors.

In this article, we, as an experienced marketer, will share some of the most straightforward and most proven tips to get more traffic to your blog.

1. Using click to Tweet link

The best ways to share your content with your audience is merely adding a click to tweet link to your tweet content quickly. It will be easy for regular visitors and employees of your site to share your content via Twitter.

2. Choose the best social share plugin.

If you want to drive more social media traffic to your website, you should use the best social media plugin. This will inspire your website visitors to share the content on social media.

If you’re thinking about how to increase your website traffic with the best social plugin:

Social Snap is one such social media sharing plugin. It allows you to see how your audience is sharing and viewing the content. It is a tool that gives you complete statistics and allows you to control how your visitors share and view content.

Benefits of using social snap pro: –

  • It offers advanced features compared to other WordPress social media sharing plugins.
  • It is fast and provides high performance.
  • You can also share the counter with click tracking.

3. Create a free list on Google My Business

Google My Business helps you regulate the look and feel of your business through Google Local Search. You add your company name, location, and opening hours to it.

You then follow and respond to customer reviews. It will also help you find out where and how your audience is looking for you and quickly increase your site traffic.

Some of the benefits of Google My Business Listing are as follows

  • It helps you in search results on Google Maps.
  • This allows you to appear in local Google search results.
  • This will help you in gaining customer confidence.
  • A good rating boosts your confidence.
  • It helps in branding your blog.

4. Use landing pages

Landing pages help you attract leads and then convert them into leads. A visitor’s next step is to become a customer. They allow you to transact for selling your products or services or for exchanging contact information.

How to increase website traffic with a landing page?

Many studies have shown that marketers are more likely to capture leads by sending them to dedicated landing pages rather than homepages.

Why is a landing page significant?

  • This leads customers to a specific product.
  • This allows you to increase your conversion rate and expand your customer base.
  • A valuable lead conversion tool.

5. Perform networking in your niche

These days networking is vital in your niche. Here are the five best ways to connect in your niche.

  • Linkedin group
  • Facebook group
  • Social media channel
  • Industry conference
  • Meeting group
  • Industry associations

Here you will get some benefits from the web.

  • Networking is required to create an official blog or to convert it into a brand.
  • Strong business relationship
  • build confidence
  • Develop strong professional relationships (sometimes personal?)
  • Get answers to every question.

6. Re-post old articles on LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn Publisher is one of the best ways to continuously deliver useful content to your audience, create awareness, and drive traffic to your site without writing anything new.

How to increase website traffic with LinkedIn Publisher in three easy steps?

  • Republish blog post
  • Re-create long content
  • Use previous content to inspire new posts

7. Drive traffic to forums from your website

Forum marketing is the most commonly used strategy to drive traffic to the internet. There are six essential tips and tricks to keep in mind when using the forum as your traffic acquisition strategy.

  • Choose a suitable platform
  • Choose your username carefully
  • Add a link to your signature
  • Create your profile carefully
  • do not spam
  • Deliver quality content
  • How to get website traffic from your niche forums.

8. Join your niche forums

Look at the topics you can participate in and give solutions to problems.

Join this thread now, answer forum questions, and link to a post on your blog for details. Thanks to this, you will get targeted traffic to your blog in your niche.

9. Create Your Channel and Telegram Group

Building an ecosystem around your blog is very important. You cannot depend on Google for traffic alone. There are many forums. Therefore, always create an ecosystem around your blog. To do this, also start your own Telegram group and channel.

Telegram channels and groups are viral these days. You can create a telegram channel for your blog and can get traffic from there.

10. Setting up push notifications for your website.

Website push notification helps you to stay in touch with visitors after leaving your website so that you can bring them back.

PushEngage tool is free software that is highly recommended to all bloggers, website owners, and e-commerce sites.

It allows you to send notifications to visitors on mobile or desktop devices that are difficult to remember, so you get a lot more engagement than social media or email. The best thing is that you can communicate with your visitors after exiting your site.

11. Create comprehensive and useful content

One of the most important things is that users and search engines are looking for quality content. For a blog, quality content is usually a comprehensive article on a specific topic that includes all the details. These comprehensive articles are known as “master articles.” Other experts may refer to them as main content or cornerstone articles.

These are your most important articles. You need to choose the most profitable keywords and then provide as much information as possible in a long article. You should create as many headlines as possible to cover all the important keywords of your industry.

Let’s see some tips to keep in mind when creating your main content:

  • The main content can be any article—for example, how-to guides, tutorials, comparison articles, opinion articles, lists, etc.
  • The main content and other articles’ difference is that your primary articles are more complete and detailed on the subject.
  • Your main articles are free from time. They are evergreen and always healthy. However, we recommend keeping them updated on new information to keep up to date with search results.
  • Later in this article, we’ll look at other tips to help you create high-quality main articles to get more traffic from search engines.

12. Make internal linking a routine task

When you have started creating good content, it is important to link your articles to existing blog posts. This is called internal linking and plays a massive role in SEO.

This is why internal links are so important:

  • Internal linking helps Google understand the context and relationship between the various articles on your website. It then uses this information as ranking signs.
  • When placed strategically and in context, internal links can help you increase your page views and reduce your bounce rate.
  • It’s challenging to ask third-party websites to link to your article. Hence, Creating links on your site is very easy.

You should make a habit of linking your new articles to your old articles. Because internal links play such an essential role in SEO, we also made them part of our authors’ pre-posting checklist.

13. Start creating more backlinks

A backlink is just an inbound link to your content from an external website. Backlinks are one of the most critical metrics in Google rankings.

It’s challenging to get backlinks from reputable websites and blogs. Not only beginners struggle with this but also experienced bloggers.

Here are four tips on how to get quality backlinks for your site:

  • Reach influencers and blogs with a good reputation in your industry, then tell them about your website’s specific content that they want to link to.
  • Write guest posts on other blogs and websites.
  • Give interviewers and take blogger’s interviews on your blog. They most likely want to ask their users to come to see your interview, and you will get a link back.
  • The simplest way to get a backlink is to add a link to your site in all your social media profiles.

14. Add pictures, diagrams, infographics to create visually appealing content

Because visuals are so important, we believe they deserve their place on this list. The human brain prefers visual elements as humans love colors and objects because aesthetics trigger our brains’ emotional reactions. This makes us more involved and immersed in the environment.

People like to look at infographics because they make the information enjoyable and easy to follow.

The images in your blog post attract users’ attention and help them focus not only on the scene but also on the text. One important thing, you cannot use any image from the internet as these images have copyright issues and may have severe consequences for theft of copyrighted material. Ideally, you can use your images, graphics, and photos, but not all bloggers are graphic designers or photographers. Luckily, there are many great resources for finding free images, and there are even tools that you can use to easily create your graphics.

15. Keep Your Website Design Clean & Clutter-Free

There are so many great WordPress themes that are available on the market. The problem is that many newbies want to use the theme with all the bells and whistles. These themes are not always right for your site.

An ugly website design prevents your users from spending more time on your blog, reducing your page views. While good design helps them to find more content, explore different sections, and spend more time.

Users often ask us how to choose the best topic? Always strive for simplicity. A simple, clean, and functional theme gives a good impression and provides the best user experience.

16. Optimize your website speed to make pages load faster

In the era of instant satisfaction, no one loves a slow loading website. If your site is slow, users will leave your site before loading.

Many Search engines like Google also consider website speed and page load time as essential ranking factors. To make your site load quickly, you need to optimize WordPress performance. This means that you need to use caching, avoid unnecessary bloat, and optimize your images.

We have designed a step-by-step WordPress performance optimization guide to help speed up your website without hiring a developer.

17. Share blog posts automatically

When we insist that you create a mailing list, we do not mean that you should stop creating social media followers.

We want you to continue building social media by following all the necessary social platforms. One major problem with social media websites is that you need to post content regularly to keep your profile active and drive traffic to your blog. If you do this manually, you will have to spend a lot of time sharing content.

This is where IFTTT helps. It’s a free online service that allows you to publish your WordPress blog posts on social media automatically.

18. Share your old articles on social media regularly

If you like blogging, you probably only post one article a day, which means you won’t get any social media updates for the rest of the day. On significant platforms like Twitter, your tweet will disappear soon, and your users may not even be able to see it.

Suppose you want to share your old content automatically at regular intervals throughout the day. In that case, It will help you get more traffic from your social media by increasing your post visibility and keeping your profile active.

Fortunately, you can easily automate this with tools like Buffer and Revive Old Post. With the buffer, you have to download the update manually. On the other hand, reviving old posts will allow you to publish your old articles automatically.

19. Participate in online communities

Online communities are an excellent source for generating traffic, as they already have users interested in topics discussing your blog. You can find small communities on Reddit, LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, YouTube communities, and more. Pro tip: don’t just start linking to your article. This is called spamming, and moderators will block you immediately.

You should spend some time building your reputation, answering questions, participating in discussions, and then sharing your site only when appropriate.

20. Participate in Q&A websites

You may have noticed that sometimes prolonged responses from sites such as Stack Exchange, Quora, or TripAdvisor improve more authoritative blogs in search results. Q&A websites are one of the largest online communities on the internet.

The benefit of answering questions on these platforms is that your answer will remain relevant for a long time, which means that it can become a constant traffic source for your blog.

Once again, we would not recommend that you go there to post your links. Instead, you should write detailed responses with links to blog posts only if they are relevant to the context.

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