11 Tips to Increase Your Blog Traffic In 2021

Starting a blog has become more comfortable these days with platforms like WordPress. However, once it starts running, the next big challenge is to drive more traffic to your blog or website.

But Relax; you don’t have to be a marketing ninja to promote your blog. You can quickly increase your blog traffic to get more visitors using some proven best practices.

In this article, we, as a popular digital marketing agency in India, will share some of the most straightforward and most proven tips to get more traffic to your blog.

Unlike other articles on increasing blog traffic, we will only share the suggestions we have personally used to increase our website’s traffic to get millions of page views each month.

We have done our best to make it the most comprehensive guide to website traffic so that you can develop an overall blog traffic strategy for your business.

Are you ready? Let’s start?

Before you begin – set up push notifications for our website.

Push notification helps you to stay in touch with visitors after leaving your website so that you can bring them back. These are the top 5 traffic sources on Zytal.

1. Create an audience profile to understand your users.

Before starting creating content for your blog, it is essential to spend some time to understand your target audience to know about what they are looking for.

You can build audience structure quickly by answering the following questions:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What problems do they face, and can you help solve them?

You can also expand these questions by adding additional personal questions:

  • how old are they?
  • What are they doing?
  • What is their educational level?
  • What is their level of knowledge on your blog topic?

These audience profiles are also known in the e-commerce industry as Shopper Identity. If you have an online store, we highly recommend you check out this detailed guide on how to create a shopper image with examples and templates.

2. Do keyword research and plan your strategy of content marketing.

Keyword research is used by content creators and SEO experts. It helps you find the specific words and sentences that users enter in Google and other search engines they are searching for.

Newbies usually rely on their own guesswork when creating content. As you can imagine, this strategy is good or bad.

If you use the “guess” strategy, there is a high probability that your articles will not rank high in the search engines.

By doing the right keyword research, you will get the following benefits:

  • Find the trending searches people are looking for
  • Search unique content ideas for popular searches
  • Learn from your competitors and beat them by creating better content
  • Create a series of articles necessary to drive steady traffic to your blog.

Now the question is, how do you do your keyword research? Fortunately, it’s not as difficult as you might think. Many free and paid keyword research tools can help. We use SEMRush for our content strategy.

You have to enter a keyword, a competitor’s blog/website URL, or your own URL to find more keyword variations. We have created a comprehensive keyword research guide for your WordPress blog with step by step instructions.

3. Continue your study of Internet Marketing and SEO

These tips will help you to increase traffic to your blog and keep more subscribers. However, as your blog grows, you must know more about ways to grow your business.

Zytal is one of the reputed SEO agencies on the India site. We regularly publish online marketing and search engine optimization tips.

4. Track your website traffic and user engagement

If you are starting to get some traffic, you need to know where your users are coming from and what they are looking for on your site. Without this data, you will not be able to evaluate your strategy or plan your next steps.

It’s is where Google Analytics comes in. Google Analytics tracks your website visitors and helps you see reports of traffic, engagement, and other user activity on your website. For instructions, see our step-by-step guide to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

The most significant benefit of using Google Analytics is that you can see what your users are doing when visiting your site. Knowing this will help you focus your attention on what works and what doesn’t work.

5. Track your site’s ranking for keywords.

Once you have started creating and promoting content, you need to track how well each piece of content performs. Also, what keywords does it rank for?

You can use a tool called Google Search Console. It’s a free tool from Google that helps you see how your site performs in Google search. We’ve found a complete guide to Google Search Console that teaches you how to use useful tools like Pro.

For this, you need the SEMRush tool. This will give you detailed information about your competitors, their primary keywords, and what you need to do to beat them.

6. Monitoring social networks

People are always asking questions on social networks like Twitter. Set up alerts to track your keywords on social media, jump and answer their questions. Don’t forget to put a link to a related article of your website.

You can also track social media sites for your brand, links, conversations, and more.

7. Find and interact with influential people on social media.

Influencers can help you in promoting your blog and increase your website traffic.

Most of the influencers are already receiving tons of invitations and messages. Since you are a new blogger, if you are new in the blogging industry, then you might have nothing to give them in return. How do you get the attention of the influencer?

At first, you need to start a conversation with them on social media. Share your content with your comments, reply to their threads, and leave comments on their blog posts.

Make sure that each conversation you have adds value to their discussion Influencers like the moments when users appreciate their efforts. They will notice and remember you. Once the relationship is established, you can consult them.

It sounds like massive work, but it will help you build lifelong friendships that are mutually beneficial.

8. Participate in Q&A websites

You may have noticed that sometimes responses from sites like Stack Exchange, Quora, or TripAdvisor are old-fashioned, improving the more official blogs in search results.

Q&A websites are one of the largest online communities on the Internet.

The benefit of answering questions on these platforms is that your answer will remain relevant for a long period of time, which means that it can become a constant source of traffic for your blog.

Once again, we would not recommend that you go there to post your links. Instead, you should write detailed responses with links to blog posts only if they are relevant to the context.

9. Create Your Own Online Group

Another way to focus on your blog is to start your online group. You can use several free platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn and invite your users to join them.

As your community grows, your influencer too. Active members of your group will actively help promote your blog on your social media profile.

After a while, this small community can become the primary source of traffic for your blog.

10. Participate in online communities.

Online Forums are a great source of traffic, as they have users already interested in discussing your blog’s niche. You can find small communities on Reddit, LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, YouTube communities, and more.

Pro tip: don’t just start linking to your article. It is called spamming, and moderators will block you immediately.

You should spend some time building your reputation, answering questions, participating in discussions, and then sharing your site only when appropriate.

11. Explore other social networks

There are numerous social media sites, but most of us spend all our time on Facebook and Twitter. You have to focus on them to bring more traffic to your blog. However, depending on your blog’s topic, you can do better on other, less busy social platforms.

For example, if your blog is about business development, you may find more interested users on the social media platform, LinkedIn. If you run a fashion or lifestyle blog, then Instagram is the best platform you should focus on.

You can also spend time on Quora to answer questions that create backlinks and increase blog traffic. We recommend that you should spend more time on social media than two older people. You can find an engaged audience and more followers there.

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